Preshana Yoga

Alignment-focused, contemporary Hatha Yoga studio

At Preshana Yoga, we weave together Tantric philosophy and precise physical alignment principles into a practice of yoga postures. We honour traditional yogic paths, while creatively exploring what it means to be a Modern Yogi.

We are committed to offering great yoga practices. While yoga is known for spectacular physical forms, it is actually a system of working with the body and breath to understand our true nature. It leads us to meditate on deep and subtle qualities of the heart, to examine conditions of the mind, and to heal, strengthen and open the body. In this way, practice becomes the living doorway through which we can inquire into ourselves, our lives, and to offer our best to the world.

Everyone is welcome to practice with us. We offer a wide range of classes to suit every level of experience and ability. Our classes are disciplined, rigorous and playful. Flowing sequences are combined with longer held poses to cultivate both freedom of expression and steady awareness.

Preshana Yoga has an inspiring, caring and experienced teaching staff. Our teachers love what they do and are always learning more and bringing something new to their classes.

We regularly host the best yoga teachers in the world, offering workshops and teacher trainings to help students, and the Sydney yoga community, go to the next level.
